A Black Bead Story: The Digital Spectacles are a series of short films/spectacles recorded in Pittsburgh’s scenic outdoors and African American historic sites featuring Celeta Hickman’s sacred and secular dense beadwork and choreography and the works of the ABBS creative team.
A Black Bead Story: The Digital Spectacles are a series of short films/spectacles recorded in Pittsburgh’s scenic outdoors and African American historic sites featuring Celeta Hickman’s sacred and secular dense beadwork and choreography and the works of the ABBS creative team. We collaborate to make performance pieces for still photography and film that chronicles the Africana experience past and present.
These pieces celebrate the roots, influences and contributions the Black bead aesthetic has made to the world past, present and future. They also speak to the power of the natural world and showcase how glorious beaded accessories are when they are used for procession, performance and spectacle in the outdoors.